Choose the right fuel when your machines need to perform at their peak, every time.
Aspen alkylate petrol - better for you, your machine, and the environment.
Are you interested in becoming a distributor?
We have a fantastic product. Aspen alkylate petrol is kinder to people, machine and environment. If you are interested in selling our products, don´t hesitate to get in touch!
Do you want to buy our products?
Aspen products are sold in many countries around the world. If you want to switch to a cleaner fuel that is better for man, macine and our environment, locate your neareast dealer right now.

How does Aspen alkylate petrol differ from other brands of alkylate petrol?
Anders Danielsson, Technical Product Developer at Aspen explains.
🌟 Aspen 2 goes towards red! 🌟
Aspen 2 alkylate petrol gets a new, red colour to improve visibility and make it easier than ever for you as a customer to choose the right fuel for your machinery and equipment.

Aspen signs an agreement on environmentally friendly fuel with Porsche Sweden and Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia
Aspen has signed an agreement with Porsche Sweden for deliveries of environmentally friendly fuel to the sports car manufacturer's racing series Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia and Porsche Sprint Challenge Scandinavia.
Learn more about Aspen Alkylate petrol
Watch the video and learn how Aspen Alkylate Petrol can benefit your machine, your work environment and the environment.

The cleaner the petrol you use, the more value you will get for the money.
With Aspen in the tank, your chainsaw starts every time and you create a healthier working environment.
Black caps turn white!
Starting week 8, we will take another step in our sustainability journey, then black caps will be gradually replaced by white ones on our 5- and 25-liter cans. This makes the entire packaging recyclable and is a natural step in Aspen's ongoing drive to remain the best fuel choice.

The electricity crisis has led to a shortage of firewood
As a homeowner, it therefore becomes natural to go out and cut your own firewood. The chainsaws run hot and if you fill up with the right fuel, you don't have to worry about them starting to jam in the middle of the firewood hunting.
The art of producing electricity without fault
How do we ensure that the generator always starts and works as it should? Three words: Aspen alkylate petrol.

The electricity crisis demands sustainable solutions
House owners choose to take things into their own hands, and many people are now going out with their chainsaws to make wood logs. A good idea, as long as you have the right fuel in the tank.
A sustainable work environment is where we started - and where we're going.
An engine with less wear and maximum performance every time is key to a frictionless workday.

Keeping your petrol lawn mower is thinking sustainably
You do not have to mow your lawn with a robot lawn mower to make a contribution to the environment and the future, keeping and caring for your old petrol machine can be just as good an option. How so, you must be thinking.
Which fuel should you be using in your machine?
You’ve realised that you could benefit from switching to Aspen fuel. Different engines need different kinds of fuel. But there are all these different options, which one should you choose?

Good products – in more ways than one
Aspen is kinder. To your machines, to those operating the machines, and to our shared environment.